
Full name: Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury

Contact: Jeffrey S. Grethe, PhD.

Dates: 2016-2024


Multicenter, multispecies database of SCI research data spanning across a wide spectrum of SCI severities, treatments and outcomes. To fully harness the potential of SCI big-data we are building a digital infrastructure to democratize SCI data science, allowing outside researchers to access existing SCI big-data, contribute their own data, and enable access to user-friendly tools for big-data analytics for knowledge discovery within SCI research.


An Open Data Commons portal allowing for data upload & publishing of data in preclinical spinal cord research.


Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (UCSF, PI: Ferguson)

FDI Lab Personnel

Jeffrey Grethe, Maryann Martone, Vicky Go


Adam Ferguson (UCSF), Karim Fouad (U. Alberta-Project PI), Jessica Nielson (U. Minn)